Air Purifier Reviews Help You Make The Right Choice
Air purifier reviews can help you make the right choice of a machine to clean the air in your living space or working area, and they can help you to avoid spending money on unproven technologies which could be ineffective at best and dangerous at worst.
There is no doubt that virtually every building can benefit from having some type of purification system, but it needs to be carefully chosen with the specifications and dimensions of each room taken into account. Reviews can help you to find the most effective and economical system for your specific area.
If you are new to research into purifiers, it will benefit you greatly to do some background study into what is available. You can avoid making potentially expensive mistakes if you have a basic knowledge of the industry, and of the difference between different systems. A good example of this is with ionizer products, which are often either used as purifiers or in conjunction with purifiers. An independent air purifier review of the Ionic Breeze carried out by the Consumers Union resulted in legal action which was dismissed by the courts, who ruled that the negative review of the unit was balanced and justified.

There is also the issue of potential safety problems with any machine which emits ozone into the atmosphere. Although many ionizers and ionic purifiers are advertised as being safe, there is nothing which can back up these claims. The Federal Government has taken special steps to make it clear that the safety or otherwise of ozone based units remains completely unproven. Ozone is known to be damaging in high concentrations, and there is no evidence to demonstrate that smaller quantities would not be harmful if the exposure to them was constant.
There best air purifier reviews are the ones which can give you a definitive answer as to what each machine can do. This is easier when the review is dealing with machines which meet the HEPA (High Efficiency Particle Arresting) standard, as this lays down a specific performance which must be met. Top manufacturers such as Honeywell which sell purifiers that meet this standard are guaranteeing to the buyer that the machine will remove 99.97% of all airborne pollution particles over .3 microns. These machines are ideal for allergy sufferers and are produced in different sizes by manufacturers such as Hunter.

Readers of air purifier consumer reports are often trying to find out whether or not the machine will be effective in removing the pollutants which can aggravate allergies, and the HEPA standard makes this easier to determine. They will also be trying to find out if the machines have been subjected to any independent testing to verify what they are capable of. Some well known brands such as Blueair purifiers have been tested by independent laboratories so that their claims can be backed up with meaningful evidence.
The air purifier reviews can also be used to see if any individual features you need can be found in these specific machines. Many of the most versatile manufacturers such as Holmes can offer optional extensions, such as an ionizer fitting or an adapter which filters cigarette smoke. The machines which can really deal with tobacco smoke are always more highly priced, but it can be the most important feature to have. If you are looking for specialist air purifiers consumer reports can help you find the most reliable models. Among these are the Alen purifiers, which always come complete with multiple warranties.
While you are reading the consumer reports air purifiers with certain specifications will become more visible, which can be extremely useful for anyone who looking to satisfy a specific purpose. Some manufacturers such as Austin are exceptionally good at giving their purifiers specific names which leave nobody in any doubt as to what they can do. The Pet Machine is a great example of this, because it tells the buyer clearly that this machine is designed to deal with pollutants originating from domestic animals. Some of the designated products are unique, such as the Bedroom Machine which is designed to remove any pollutants which make it difficult to get a good night's rest.
The air purifier reviews are just one way in which the Internet makes it easier to find the product you need. The first essential is to understand the industry well enough to know what is available and what is effective. If you discover the court cases which have been brought by the manufacturers of ozone emitting machines, all of which have been dismissed, you will know that avoiding these models can eliminate possible health risks. When you know what you are studying it is much easier to match your own specific needs to the machines which are featured in the air purifier reviews.
Author: Marc Knox